The last Christmas lunch on 24 November 2019 was held on their veranda with 73 people. Some from the vintage car club, some from the Kennel Club of Harare, their own members and visitors. Pictures from the bar will be moved to the Kennel Club, boards with champion breed and obedience dogs will be taken to the Kennel club as well and what ever is no more needed will be auctioned off. The Committee and members will be allowed to move and train their dogs at the Kennel Club and Athena will keep running the various breed shows they held at the GSD Club in the past. Let’s hope that Athena and her committee will be able to keep the GSD Club alive and still holding shows.
Category Archives: Fun
Happy Easter to all
Some pictures of our members enjoying the training with those stalwart trainers who come every weekend to give help how to get their dogs behaving and listening to commands.
The puppy class each Sunday seems to be very popular and some different breed of dogs entering the obedience competition.
Kennel Club christmas party
Would Neville have a giggle?
Via the website I received a request from Erica Crouch to help to find out where Neville Crouch’s partner was.
My father and his wife bred Chow Chows many years ago. He was Neville Crouch She was Ursula They were not married. I am wondering if you could assist me in finding out the name of a friend of theirs who bred Boerboels or someone who can assist with Ursulas surname or who could assist me with what happened to Ursula after my father passed away.
Thank you in advance.
I wrote to a few “oldies” to see if they could remember or help. Most of them reacted but had no idea where Ursula, Neville’s partner was, or what her surname was. One person told me she had gone to the UK to live there. Others wrote what they knew of the old times and one was amazing to find out more about Ursula.
One reaction was quite interesting about Neville and Ursula’s time from Meryl:
I think you are right about Ursula’s surname being le Kok.
Roly and I were invited to their place for several excellent lunches over the yrs – I seem to remember that Gordon and Judy were there on at least one occasion?….
I remember a couple who they were very friendly with who were not members of the Kennel Club, and were always at their lunches or braais, but have no idea if they had Boerboels?
I know he was very friendly with a couple in Gweru and used to stay with them when he went down to their shows, can’t remember their names, but she was involved on the Committee – seem to remember they had Boxers – but did not show them.
Roy wasn’t Neville very friendly with John Ripley’s son? – seem to remember they used to drink together in the bar at KCH – think his name was Steve? – I am in touch with Yvonne, so she could possibly ask Steve?
Another reaction was from Roy, amazing he managed to find this:
Hi Ilse,
Follow this link on YouTube. I am sure it is Ursula La Cock which is the name of Neville’s partner.
Here is a picture of her with a Bar Throated Apalis on her arm.
She must be getting on now. I remember her telling the story of when she went to the passport office she was told to go to the front of the queue. When she got there, there were about six people in front of her. She said “If any of you are older than 81 you can go in front of me”. They passed her to the front.
And Erica’s response.
I cannot thank you enough I got the e mails tonight and straight away hopped onto youtube and giggled like crazy, this is so how I remember Ursula, full of beans, life and mischief. I then did a search on facebook and found her still going strong at 92 doing a pushup challenge. She is on facebook as Ursula Lacock.
Please thank everyone for me.
Hugest hugs
Helen Maxwell and Grettl Hughes
Ursula McKinlay and Gladys Little
Birthday cake for a dog ?
Pam Brennan 80.
A wonderful person who comes to train two classes every Sunday when there are no shows: The 8 o’clock class is for the trainers and the 9 o’clock class she takes the advanced handler and their dogs.
She is no member of a club, just does this for the love of dogs and their performances. When there are shows being held at the club, she still comes and supports her pupils.
Last Sunday 21 May was Pam’s 80th birthday and it was felt that this should be celebrated. After her 9 – 10 class she came onto the verandah and was surprised by her special arranged “birthday table” with special made cake for her and presents from her pupils and friends.
Foto’s of Pam cutting her cake and her pupils standing around singing happy birthday to her.
Christmas party 2016
Dog Christmas party 2016
Hi All doggy friends,
Today was the Dog Christmas party and what fun to be able to come and watch all the various dog morning fun. It was so good to see Joyce and Alan Lester there too to watch it all.
I would like to thank all committee members for their fantastic input throughout the year for us members and dogs. Amazing the work they have put in and hope they will cary on doing so much for us.
Sadly Cherie Blake was not able to be there as she had a vary nasty experience and had to stay home for a rest, keep well Cherie and get better soon.
I have taken some pictures of the event today and need to look at them, put them onto my laptop and see what is good to go onto the web. This will take some time.
A very happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
Beware of Tree Dogs
Please take note the following KCH dates
Sunday 4 December 2016 – Annual Christmas Lunch – Time 12 for 12.30pm
This year, our Annual Christmas Lunch will be held at the Kennel Club Grounds on Sunday 4 December 2016. There will be no training on that day.
The price will be $20 per head for a three course lunch. Please see attached menu. There will be a complimentary bottle of wine at each table
Sunday 11 December 2016 – Dogs Christmas Party
Come along and have fun with your dog. Plenty of games (suitable for both puppies and adult dogs) and dog jumping fun for the dogs and their handlers. Time – 8.30 am for 9am. Please bring a plate of snacks.
Sunday 18 December 2016 – the Club will be open as usual.
Sunday 25 December 2016 – Christmas Day – the Club will be closed.
Sunday 1 January 2017 – New Year’s Day – the Club will be closed.
Sunday 8 January 2017 – the Club will re-open.
News from Steph
A shame that Stephany and Dorothy left to go back to the UK,
We all set off in the cab of this van with our cases and Mitts’s travel box in the back and the four of us (Mitts, Dorothy, Steph and our very kind and efficient host, Bryn) for our first base. I travelled with my feet against the windscreen and we had a delightful stop half way to relieve the cramp! All safe and sound and VERY happy to be together.
We set off for Lincolnshire tomorrow in convoy: Dorothy and Steph with Mitts in the car acquired today and Bryn in the van with Mitsi’s Mansion, the eight (+) suitcases and sundry other bulky acquisitions with a picnic lunch and great optimism.
Love to all
Kennel Club of Harare – DOG’S Christmas party
The Kennel Club of Harare ended its fantastic training year with the “DOG’S Christmas party” on Sunday 13 December. The weather was sunny and quite a lot of our members came with their pooches and a plate of eats for the humans at teatime.
The fun started with the receiving committee in their Christmas outfit
Dog jumping at various size and height for the dogs and a lot of the people sat and watched.
A lot of members and friends sat at the side to watch the proceedings.
Start of a ‘double’ dog jump race
Instructions from Ursula how the musical chairs will be done
Will she get to the chair on the other side?
Kennel Club of Harare Christmas Lunch 2015
The Kennel Club of Harare held their Christmas lunch at ‘the Bistro’ along the Borrowdale Road. 5 Tables of 10 places were arranged on their veranda and beautifully decorated with Christmas things. The dinner was a choice of 3 different starters as well as 3 choices of beef, fish or chicken. Pudding was ice-cream and chocolate sauce. The portions were big and extremely toothsome.